Everywhere, the world is closing in by building walls. Martin Harriague knows something about it, he has spent 5 years in Israel and observes this propensity, which is now beginning to lead to the “American dream”. By staging the obsession of a baroque and thunderous president, Harriague returns here to one of the themes addressed in America, a piece he created for the Leipzig Ballett in march 2019. But it is useless to isolate oneself, physically or symbolically, behind a rampart: Martin Harriague’s wall is moving, tottering, fragile; the wall is a pediment, a shelter, a play area; the wall exalts the thirst for freedom.
creation for Dantzaz, Spain – 10 dancers
Date December 2019
Length 35 minutes
Choreography & scenography Martin Harriague
Music Jean-Sébastien Bach, Giuseppe Verdi, Yemen Blues, José Alfredo Jiménez (voices of D. Trump and A.M. Lopez Obrador excerpts from public speeches on internet)
Lights Martin Harriague
Costumes Martin Harriague
Lights assistant Alberto Arizaga
Costume assistant Nahia Salaberria
Coproduction CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Dantzaz (Errenteria, Espagne)