Of Prophets and Puppets is inspired by an article of the same name published in the very conservative british newspaper “The Sun” on August 19, 2019. This article fears that Greta Thunberg is being manipulated by pushy parents or largest energy companies. At the time, Thunberg was about to deliver his famous “How dare you?” at the United Nations in New York. It was there that she crossed paths with former US President Donald Trump, known for denying climate change. In addition to a catchy title, the fact that these are major issues of our time, this almost unreal meeting between Thunberg and Trump, Martin Harriague is interested in the use of sensationalism in journalism, the concept of fake news, manipulation in politics to offer a show combining dance, theater and puppet techniques through an absurd American-style talk show.
creation for the Hessisches Staatsballett Wiesbaden, Germany – 10 dancers
Date May 2023
Length 40 minutes
Choreography & scenography Martin Harriague
Music Fearless flyers, Parcels, Thomas Köner, Michael Giacchino, Gustav Mahler
Lights Martin Harriague
Costumes Mieke Kockelkorn
Dramaturgy Lucas Herrmann
Puppet maker Annie Onchalo
Production Hessisches Staatsballett (direction : Bruno heynderickx)