If you were God

“If you were God, what would you create first?” To this question, Martin Harriague answers with a surprising piece that associates the dialogue of the bodies with the words of the poet Derrick C. Brown*. The verbal and gestural exchanges of the two protagonists are punctuated by the texts of the American beat poet, some of whose verses were created especially for this duet. They draw before our eyes a new ideal world although not exempt, like ours, from the bitter salt of human suffering. Between humor and emotion, the couple goes from the lush Eden sheltering the lovers to the serene acceptance of separation. “Love is yours, Make the first move!”. Created on an original text in English, the piece was completely re-adapted with a German translation for the Leipzig Ballet.

for the Leipzig Ballett, Germany – 2 dancers

Date March 2020
Length 30 minutes

Choreography & scenography Martin Harriague
Music Nils Frahm, Beau Jennings, Richard Swift
Texts & voice Derrick C. Brown
Lights Martin Harriague
Costumes Mieke Kockelkorn
Costume makersLeipzig Ballett
Choreographer assistant Nadav Gal

Coproduction Leipzig Ballett, Curtain Up Israel