On the stage, an unusual object, a Pandora’s box or a mysterious monolith, opens the door to all possibilities. Because if it is a question here of degradation of nature and mass extinction, the piece also takes the risk of carrying the hope of a rebirth. But is it enough to go back in time to find Paradise Lost, the lush Eden of images of yesteryear?
Creation for 2 dancers
Date September 2019
Duration 55 minutes
Choreography & scenography Martin Harriague
Music Franz Schubert
Lights Martin Harriague
Costumes Martin Harriague
Costume makers Véronique Murat, Charlotte Margnoux
Assistant choreographer Françoise Dubuc
Coproduction CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz, Korzo productions (La Haye, Pays-Bas)
La presse en parle
The theater of the Casino in Biarritz was thrilled by this premiere proposed by a talent from the region (…). Harriague manages to make seem easy what was a perilous mission, the creation of a duet of 55 minutes. Malandain may well have found his successor as the great choreographer of Biarritz.
Financial Times, Laura Cappelle, September 12, 2019
Fossile comes to life through the body of Frida Dam Seidel and becomes a dance piece, which flies away thanks to a solo to die for… The iconoclastic, farcical and burlesque spirit of Harriague finds in Dam Seidel – and in the tunes of Schubert – a counterpoint that softens the ardor and creates a subtle balance between poetry and playfulness.
Danser Canal Historique, Thomas Hahn, September 2019